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India Virtual Issue

On 15th August 2022, India will complete 75 years of its independence. To mark the occasion, we are bringing the India Virtual Collection featuring the articles from India in the years 2020 and 2021 published in our premier Chemistry Journals: SYNTHESIS, SYNLETT and SYNOPEN.

Virtual India Collections



Accounts and Rapid Communications in Chemical Synthesis

SYNLETT is an international journal reporting research results and current trends in chemical synthesis in short personalized reviews and preliminary communications. It covers all fields of scientific endeavor that involve organic synthesis, including catalysis, organometallic, medicinal, biological, and photochemistry, but also related disciplines and offers the possibility to publish scientific primary data.

Impact Factor 2020: 2.17



Reviews and Full Papers in Chemical Synthesis

SYNTHESIS is an international full-paper journal devoted to the advancement of the science of chemical synthesis. It covers all fields of organic chemistry involving synthesis, including catalysis, organometallic, medicinal, biological, and photochemistry, but also related disciplines.

SYNTHESIS provides dependable research results with detailed and reliable experimental procedures and full characterization of all important new products.

Impact Factor 2020: 2.969



Full Papers, Letters and Reviews in Chemical Synthesis

SynOpen is an international Open Access journal reporting current research results in chemical synthesis in full paper, letter and review format. It covers all fields of scientific endeavor that involve organic synthesis, including catalysis, organometallic, medicinal, biological, and photochemistry, but also related disciplines and offers the possibility to publish scientific primary data. Full papers provide dependable research results with detailed and reliable experimental procedures and full characterization of all important new products.

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